Author: livelifeivan

My name is Ivan and I'm still trying to find myself in this world full of endless possibilities. Currently I am doing my Bachelor in Media Studies in University of Wollongong. I majoring in marketing cause hey everyone need to know how to get themselves or their ideas out there. Malaysia is where I'm from and my interests rangers from skiing from the mountains to scuba diving in the waters of Sipadan. On land I also play tennis some badminton here and there. I do stick to my room and play games or watch tv shows but who doesn't?! Friendly as I am I can be shy at time but once you get to know me...You know what I will let you guys decide on that.

My Roti Canai Story

the change is coming

Exploring about the different aspects of Roti Canai has been amazing. I was able to deepen my knowledge of the dish as well as expand my thinking beyond the dish itself. In order to show you what I have learnt, I had decided to use a new platform called “Twine”. Basically it is a story telling base platform which helps link your parts in a unique way. Truth be told I was not easy to use and it as it was a little confusing as I had to use HTML codes. Overall I enjoyed this platform and hope you enjoy exploring my Roti Canai journey.

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My Roti Canai Experience

the change is coming

This was my first time ever making roti canai! Back home in Malaysia this is a very common dish that everyone loves to eat. Instead of buying one from the grocery store I decided to make it myself as I love experimenting with food. The first video is on how to make roti canai. If you are interested these are the ingredients and measurements you would need.

1kg Plain Flour

2tbs Condensed Milk

11/2tsp Salt

3tbs Vegetable Oil

560ml Water

Margarine (to coat the dough)

Watch the video as it provides an easy step by step on how to make it.

The next video I posted is my personal experience on making this dish.

I hope you enjoyed it and thanks for watching.

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An End To The Ghost

the change is coming

Evaluating my experience on ghost in the shell has been amazing! Not only did I finally manage to watch this classic anime. I manage to learn a little bit more about how I think and even why I think that way. In my first blog post about this anime, I talked about how ghost in the shell presents such an immortal idea. In exchange for an immortal body you must first pay the price with your real body. Having a robot body has many benefits but as always nothing is ever absolute. The Achilles heel for this was the fact that people may be able to hack into your brain, controlling your senses as well as adding false memory. I find that terrifying as you may never know if you are being hacked or if your memories are real.

After that my next blog post dig deeper into this idea…

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The Backbone Of A Ghost

the change is coming

Looking back on my post I started breaking down my thoughts even further. From the concept of people willing to give their human bodies for robotic bodies I stared to wonder why and it hit me like a bullet. From young I have always been interested with myths and fables. From Greek mythology to Japanese legends, always hearing stories about how there was a different world that may be just beyond my reach. Made me even more curious on what’s out there (clearly from this you can imagine my life as a kid was full of faces saying “are you serious” and “what is he talking about, his weird”). There was this one story I always heard about but it had many names so let’s just called it “The Elixir of Life” (Ancient Origins, 2014). This story has many different versions but one thing is clear. Once you have drank…

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A Ghost With No Fear (Ghost In The Shell)

the change is coming

I have always been an anime fan but ghost in the shell never really peaked my interest. One of the main reason was simply because I’m not much of a meca fan. However it was good to finally watch it and see what the hype was all about, better yet use it for an assignment. The first thing that surprised me was that the movie was dubbed. My fear of a dubbed anime movie is that it would sound weird and won’t go in sync with the movie. To my surprise the dubbed was not too bad. A little unsync at some parts but much better than some other anime I have seen.

As the movie progresses I enjoyed how everything starts to unfold. From humans willing to give their human body for a robot body. To the politic side of how those in power will do anything to stay…

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