Akira (1988): The inferiority complex within the Asian way of life.


Akira is a revolutionary anime that came out in 1988. It is not an overstatement to say that the film has a significant impact in the later development of the Japanese anime industry. However, different from the current audience demands driven anime in the 2010s, Akira’s plot and animation style were so unconventional and raw that the audience in the present day would still be taken aback by the way it tells the stories.


Tetsuo from the anime ‘Akira’

One thing that stood out to me the most after watching the anime is the iferiority complex that lies within Tetsuo towards his best friend Kaneda, who always protects Tetsuo in every situation. After that, when gaining immense power from the innate psychic ability lies within his body, Tetsuo would turn back against the people that used to be with him since day one. To many people, this might sound ridiculous…

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