Asian Hip-Hop – Plan of action!

Nicole, Sara, Jess


WEEK 1-2

  • Have a group meeting to clearly define our aims and intentions for the project and adopt a research framework
  • Assign a country to each member
  • Create our digital artefact so we can begin adding to it

Choices of countries to compare:

  • Japan
  • Korea
  • Philippines
  • India
  • China and Taiwan
  • Malaysia

Digital artefact:

Tumblr post – We will all contribute to and build a tumblr post that combines images, videos and links to relevant sources with our research and analysis. Our posts will attempt to highlight what distinguishes hip-hop from each country and makes it unique.

WEEK 2-5

Each member should conduct their own research to answer these questions, and others that may arise, in relation to their assigned country.

Any relevant sources and ideas should be communicated via tumblr throughout the four weeks, not just at the end, so the final product reflects a cumulative process.

We could potentially arrange a theme for each week to ‘post’ on or just post as we find

Key questions:

  • How and when did hip-hop emerge in this country?
  • What are the characteristics that distinguish this brand of hip-hop?
  • What makes it similar to hip-hop from other parts of Asia?
  • What are the similarities and differences that can be drawn to African-American hip-hop roots?
  • How do these hip-hop practices incorporate or reflect elements of the in-country culture?
  • What are some quintessential examples of hip hop and who are the hip-hop celebrities? (post links to videos/audio)
  • What are some of the dominant lyrical themes?
  • Who is consuming this music and how is it distributed?
  • Does this reflect a localisation of traditional hip-hop, or has globalisation/capitalism accelerated a change in hip-hop worldwide?


WEEK 5-6

The group will meet up to develop our presentation. This will mean deciding on the most salient features of the research, talk about what we expected to discover from the research and whether these expectations differed from the outcome, how the results from each country differed and how we can tie in all the results to present to the class.


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