Akira 1988: Science, Power and Nostalgia


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Akira (1988) is, in my perception, the anime to be most distant from the Japanese pop culture I have known. Perhaps the aversion stems from my preferences, that is sci-fi films rarely fascinate me with their concept. Or perhaps the inclination I have for a captivity of history in arts hinders my making sense of Akira. A brief description of my experience watching the anime could be an amalgamation of feelings, mostly bewildered by the overdetailed violence. However, noted that animes in their golden age (1980s) could be much experimental and less audience-oriented than they are now. Not so long before Akira screening, I learned about Hadashi no Gen (1983), an anime details Hiroshima bombing whose horrifying graphics content caused me traumatised.

images.jpg Hadashi no Gen (1983)

And yet the horrific visuals did not stop me from immersing myself into the film. In opposition, I am fond of the…

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