Dark Souls (Part 2) – The Unique Experience

A Blog's Life

Dark Souls was unlike any other Japanese game to be had in the current market as it disregarded traditional JRPG elements for a more grounded western action. The game is essentially a Japanese rendition of modern western games, but it manages to still be different and offer a unique experience to the consumer.

When you’re playing this game, you need to be prepared to know that you’ll be spending a fair amount of time staring at the words ‘YOU DIED’. It is so often that you will eventually run out of energy to even respond to what just happened. Some games may offer you to decrease the difficulty but in Dark Souls there is no difficulty setting in place.

The game is particularly difficult in that even the smallest mistakes come at a painful cost. The ‘dying’ that you do so much is in fact a game mechanic that basically…

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