Author: sillysundaze

04/ Digital Artefact- Update

Emily G.

I do admit, I have been delaying and procrastinating this artefact as the thought of finding and asking people that are more than happy to be interviewed, seems like the most tedious task- but it needs to be done.

Ellis Et Al 2011 reading* emerges both autobiography and ethnography to process the act of autoethnography. In my digital artefact, I have selected the field site of Asian cuisines to hopefully further and expand my knowledge on the history and practice of the various dishes, along with the extent these restaurants add value and meaningfulness to the surrounding individuals.

Screen Shot 2018-09-21 at 10.00.27 pm.png Screenshot from Ellis Et Al definition of Autoethnography

I am yet to actually interview and taste some dishes as of yet, BUT am in the process of hopefully getting a kick start by next week. In the meantime, I have researched through Google and ended up on zomato, trip advisor and various…

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03/ Digital Artefact-Asian Restaurant Experience

Emily G.

This subject has been nothing but interesting and a unique experience for me- diving into a new foreign culture, in which I have little knowledge on.

Brainstorming ideas for my autoethnography  digital artefact, many ideas became to circulate. The only positive from having little experience with Asian culture is that it gave me a wider variety to select from a range of field sites to base it on, some in which I jotted down were things such as; fashion, language, gaming, music and food.

Looking back at these ideas I could circulate my project around took way too long for me to choose exactly what I wanted to do. With much delay, I think I have a small idea in the direction I want to head in-

Field Site
Out of all the many ideas I had going around in my head, I decided to go with traditional Asian food.

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02/ Autoethnography & Anime

Emily G.

Zombie-looking, bike gang- violent kids is a perfect summary of this weeks film screening of the 1998 anime Akira.

Third week of live-tweeting went a little better than last week (having a total of 3 tweets during the entire boringState of Play (2013) documentary).

From my understanding, autoethnography is a research method that is used to reflect and analyse on another culture that is not your own, from your own personal experience. It makes you self-reflect on your knowledge and allows you to deepen your understanding with a wider range of political, social and cultural issues they have.

These past few weeks of learning more about the Asian culture through the different films we have watched have been unique and eye-opening for me.
Not having any real experience and knowledge about their culture and never getting into anime, watching a full 2-hour anime this week was an interesting…

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01/ That scary dinosaur movie

Emily G.

I loved Jurassic World so surely I would like Godzilla (Gorija, 1954).


My first class this semester introduced me to autoethnographic, a method (from my belief) that is used to describe the way we interpret and critique from our own personal experiences and framework to analyse from our viewpoints. It uses reflexivity to make us think and self-reflect on our work.

Oh boy was this lesson all about multi-tasking. We were screened the original Godzilla film, in which we also had to live tweet our thoughts whilst trying to keep up with this black & white movie with subtitles. This was a whole new experience for me which I found was a fun and unique way to share and have a look at everyone’s own references and thoughts through their own perspective.

Having not so much of a religious upbringing, and shamefully not being that knowledgeable with my history…

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