Author: jennacarmenf

I graduated from University of Wollongong, studying a degree in Communication and Media, majoring in Digital Media and minoring in Journalism.

Did my culture have anything to do with my lack of Anime knowledge?

Jenna Fairweather blog

Following on from my previous blog post, I will continue to conduct auto-ethnographic research on how Walt Disney animations have in the past, influenced Anime into what we know today!

Stated by Ellis, “… autoethnography combines characteristics of autobiography and ethnography. When writing an autobiography, an author retroactively and selectively writes about past experiences”. In my initial blog post, I spoke massively about my past experiences with anime, and how they have transformed into what knowledge I have today, which I also established was next to nothing! I actually remember when I was much younger I would read the word ‘Anime’ and in my head pronounce it to be “A-neem”…

“When researchers do autoethnography, they retrospectively and selectively write about epiphanies that stem from, or are made possible by, being part of a culture and/or by possessing a particular cultural identity.” – Ellis

I recognised in my former…

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Firstly… what is anime?

Jenna Fairweather blog

For my individual research project, it took me a while, but I eventually decided to immerse myself in the world of Anime! Not until I came to research this topic, did I realise how vastly uninformed I was about anime, and just how little knowledge I actually had in my brain regarding this topic.

I did not realise ‘Avatar: the last Airbender’ was not an Anime!

“As a method, autoethnography combines characteristics of autobiography and ethnography. When writing an autobiography, an author retroactively and selectively writes about past experiences. ” (BRUNER, 1993; DENZIN, 1989, Freeman, 2004)

Growing up, Animes have been in the peripheral of my life. My brother has always been into Anime, long before we even realised this was a specific style of animation. Dragon Ball Z, Naruto Shippūden, One piece, Pokémon and Yu-Gi-Oh are just some of the shows I would find on Television with…

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~Akira ~

Jenna Fairweather blog

This week we live-tweeted to the Anime ‘Akira‘! I was thankfully able to attend class this time and therefore able to join in on the tweeting as a class, favouriting or retweeting every other post by class members, while they were doing the same to my tweets about the film.

My first thoughts on this film were definitely apparent in a few of my tweets, the colours and overall art within this film was incredible. Scrolling through tweets during that lesson, in can be noted that many of my peers were thinking the same thing, each of us somewhat in awe of the artistic qualities the film holds.

Looking deeper into this film, which is based around World War II, it is honestly somewhat unsettling. They use their animations to generate some very uncomfortable images such as simply the characters and how they are depicted.


Autoethnography is an approach…

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Making sense of a 1954 film… Gojira

Jenna Fairweather blog

Godzilla! A movie I have never seen, let alone the 1954 version with interesting English voiceovers. My peers were shown this movie in class and required to live tweet about it with the hashtag #BCM320. I was alas unable to attend this class and therefore as a result, I went home and played the movie for myself, live tweeting all the while watching it alone. Having live tweeted other experiences before, this came naturally to me.

The main thing I found myself tweeting about in the duration of this movie was the English voiceovers. These voiceovers caused a lack of interest in the movie as I could rarely understand what they were saying in a robotic monotone. It was interesting though to see such an old film. Seeing the camera angles they used intrigued me as movies today are made so differently, with a substantial difference in camera shots and…

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