BCM320 Autoethnographic Project: A Contextual Essay


For the individual autoethnographic research project, I looked at the world of Japanese Pop (J-Pop), in particular Japanese girl idol group such as Momoiro Clover Z. To further understand my autoethnographic approach to this field site, it is necessary to discuss the methodology that assisted in my research.

I presented my findings in the form of media-rich blog posts. Ellis et al (2011) describe how when writing autoethnography, it is much more engaging to use techniques of “showing” rather than merely “telling”, as it offers a way to bring readers onto the scene in order to “experience an experience”. Through embedding links, YouTube videos and even my own Spotify playlist, my digital artifact allowed me to make my research engaging and emotionally rich.

Anderson (2006) provides an interesting counterbalance to the work of Ellis et al (2011) by putting forward a more analytic approach. When discussing the importance of being…

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