T-pop: my story so far – again

Kelsey O'Brien BCM320 Digital Asia

Following on from my last post, here I’ll focus on my cultural framework and how it is structuring my investigation into T-pop.

Chang (2007, p. 10) says that the writing style of autoethnography varies, falling somewhere on the continuum between “realist” description, “impressionist” caricature and analytical description, and “confessional” self-exposure. I’ve had immense difficulties with how I should approach this research, but as I said last week, I am a writer, and so despite warnings that narrative autoethnographies are the hardest form to accomplish, this is what I went for, attempting to use narrative techniques like first person, direct thought and description to convey how I’d decided on my topic. Perhaps the first paragraph of direct thought would serve as a hook to my autoethnographic story.

However, autoethnography has faced criticism as a methodology for being ‘self-indulgent, narcissistic, introspective, and individualised’ (Sparkes 2000, cited in Brown 2014 p…

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