Week #5 The First 5 Reflected

Luke Brown

Enrolling in BCM320 ‘Digital Asia’ I did not think I had any preconceived ideas of what the subject would entail. My background (currently in the final year of an IT degree) didn’t really afford me any insight into the innerworkings of a BCM subject either. However, upon scrolling through the Moodle site on week 1 I discovered an innate bias, realising that I had made a de-facto assumption thinking that within the scope of this subject “Digital Asia” was really going to be shorthand for “Digital China”. From that somewhat dim starting point, the move away from typifying Asia as a collective same in the realm of digitalisation was a marked shift. As I had never really considered Asia’s digital scape under any form of scrutiny, be it personally or within a uni subject.

In the first week, I found myself incredibly responsive to the screening of Hao…

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One comment

  1. Hi Luke!
    You have made some great points regarding the Digital Asia scene, and I like your comment about the digital scape being under scrutiny as I myself would have thought the same and never questioned it, had we not looked at it in class. The wide range of topics covered really allows a sense of understanding that westerns wouldn’t have considered unless they are looked at in this light. I particularly like your comments on the ‘India in a day’ documentary where you mention “That of the technological development in the metropolitan areas and the lack of infrastructure present in rural India” which was something I had never considered and must admit, take for granted, as we have access to it so easily. The way in which technology has morphed and differentiated countries from one another is something that needs to be taught to our youth more often in order to understand those around the world, and I think you covered that well in this post.


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