공동체 (community)

Thinking of a way to turn my research of South Korean culture and Eat Your Kimchi into a Digital Artefact was proving to be quite difficult for me. I wanted to convey my identity as a fan and investigator of EYK, my fascination with South Korean culture, and my autoethnographic experience in a way that I myself could be interested in. My experience with the production and editing of videos, creation of code, and the production and compiling of music is quite limited, so those weren’t viable options for me. I also found it a little difficult to push my mind past the examples that we have seen so far, such as tumblr blogs, Sabato Visconti’s Glitch Artworks, playlists and collations of videos or pictures, or subreddits, as I didn’t feel that any of these fit what I wanted to convey.

It is clear to me that the Eat Your Kimchi fan community has been incredibly important in the success of the blog, as without their fans, Simon and Martina (the couple who make the content for EYK, along with business manager Soo Zee and intern Leigh) may have found it much more difficult to remain in South Korea beyond teaching. The fan community supported their transition to full-time YouTubers in 2 ways

  1. YouTube offered EYK a monetary partnership when their channel surged in popularity as their subscribers/fans grew substantially around 2010
  2. Simon and Martina had their IndieGogo campaign successfully funded by their fan community (a total of approx. $113 000), which allowed them to apply for a South Korean business licence and rent an apartment closer to the centre of Seoul (the capital of South Korea)

Looking at this wave of success that the EYK crew have been riding since they started blogging in 2008, it’s really obvious to me that there’s a lot of love, passion and curiosity coursing through the veins of the EYK fan community. When looking at the EYK community and how it is represented digitally over many different platforms (Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Reddit and on their blog), I find it equally as worthwhile to mine through the comments sections as consuming original EYK. There so much to learn from these spaces. Not only do they provide added ethnographic context to EYK’s observations on South Korean culture and entertainment, but they also build upon the opinions and ideas offered in the videos. These forums are, to me, a comprehensive representation of the majesty and power of a fan community (already well-represented by their ability to keep EYK going through funding), reflecting the quality and insight of the EYK content.

In order to capture this ecology I have decided to design a blog in which I will reflect on my personal understanding and learning, following my observation of these spaces. I hope to design a Digital Artefact that provides a visual representation of my observations and interpretations, whether it be through a graphic, word visualisation or other performance medium, showcasing various comments, the original EYK content, and my derived autoethnographic experience.



  1. In my experience, the people who follow this blog as well as other similar blogs often end up being the most supportive. The audience is so important as they really help to influence content and attitude of the vloggers/bloggers, particularly with EYK and how they have helped move their career along (by using money and continued support and loyalty). I really like the idea of showing things in a visual way as it will be really engaging. You could consider putting your twitter feed into the blog too, to help add another element. I’m really looking forward to reading more about your artefact!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Hey.. great post! It’s clear you’ve put a lot of thought into how you might digitally convey your experiences without replicating what’s already out there.

    I’ve recently been trawling through the Pozible website and it absolutely stuns me the utility these crowdfunding websites have had. There is such a diverse range of projects being funded, and its cool to see that once something gets traction, each individual person only need donate a small amount for projects to be successful.

    What you’re post has really brought to light for me is the way media consumers around the world are negotiating spaces of user-generated content as a reaction to traditional news and entertainment media not representing or reflecting the wide range of experiences of their viewers.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. (Storify could be useful for your DA —-> https://storify.com/)

    Wow, such a good find. They are a great duo to watch. It got me thinking how far YouTubers have come as entertainers, and sent me on a chase trying to find who the number1on YouTube is. This is the most suited list I could find even though it is little out-dated http://www.ignitesocialmedia.com/social-media-trends/top-10-most-popular-youtube-channels-by-subscribers/ I’m using it because I it includes the likes of Jenna Marbles which I struggled to find on other lists because they were mostly taken up with professional gamers and music channels, so I think list has more of the personality focused stars which suits.

    The significance of Simon and Martina incorporating their personalities and particularly their relationship with one another into their videos is so fascination to me. The authenticity that comes across onscreen when a couple makes their own videos is great. Comparing other YouTube styles to this, Jenna Marbles creates orchestrated personas to entertain her viewers and alternates between them depending on the topic she is discussing. PewDiePie is also interesting in the wacky way he chooses to play games. It comes across to me as something that is armature in the beginning so there is a raw quality about it but I think it’s great that even though they start getting more professional the lack of script at the forefront gives it that candid type execution. This hybrid of comedians and personal hosts I find is also so comforting, in the way they share intimacies and guide you through what they find interesting.
    Also YouTube is now looking to give more of a TV structure to their viewers, so I think it’s important to cherish the lack of script.
    Also YouTube stars appear to be overtaking ‘Mainstream’ celebs in teen circles, which is interesting.


  4. A very interesting topic Gemma, I’m sure by exploring the gender roles and playing with audio dubbing you could surely chance the context of the rather perverse nature of the content. On my study with anime I’ve learned that due to anime’s animation design for mouth movement, it can easily be dubbed over and still appear natural – hope you got the result you were looking for!


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