My Autoethnographic Experience


In BCM320, the main focus has been exploring autoethnographic ideas and experiences, of both others and our own, throughout the semester. However, it has definitely been a challenging task to perform a study of myself and my own experiences, as it is something I am not overly familiar with doing often.

Initially this subject was somewhat of a ‘culture shock’ as well as a ‘kick in the back-side’, figuratively speaking of course, as we had to quickly learn and understand what was required of you to complete this subject. Through our live-tweeting experiences, we had to compare our own live-tweeting sessions of the culture portrayed in the movies with our own experiences. This was not an easy activity to undertake. However, as no one in the class appeared to be an expert, even I managed to produce some work, including the interactive live tweets on the hashtag.

After watching ‘Akira’…

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