Japanese animation re-dub, Akira 1988

Post 2

As someone whose mother tongue is not English, to be honest, when I first saw those big words, I feel so dizzy and have no idea what is what. Let me give you an example. Do you think those Chinese words look the same? 魑魅魍魉

They all look the same! right?

That is exactly what I have experienced. According to Ellis (2004), I think here I use self-reflection to explore my personal experience about foreign language and connect this autobiographical story to the ‘reader’s understanding.

The Prezi lecture on Week2 and the paper written by Ellis(2011) released me from struggling, I started to have a clear idea about those topics. 

Here are my notes:

(I think those are very helpful for the rest assessments, and ‘I’ll keep updating them)

(please tell me if I made a mistake)

Anthropology: the study of human in general, including its origins…

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