Month: November 2015

Tell me something I don’t know


The final part in this three-part experiment is researching Hatoful Boyfriend. I’ll tell you some basics. It’s a dating sim/visual novel based on an alternate reality where birds are sentient. The protagonist is the only human at St Pigeonational’s trying to navigate her way through a bumbling best friend, pompous transfer student, narcoleptic maths teacher and extremely shy freshman among a whole host of other crazy birds.

First problem when it came to researching this further: what’s the difference between a visual novel and a dating sim?

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“Compared to home the foreign is merely an are of projection because the foreign lacks the inner template home provides – the foreign is amorphous and unstructured – it does not allow for anticipation because we cannot read it, cannot interpret what is possible or impossible, attractive or repulsive – we lack the history of personal and cultural experiences – this lack of transparency holds potential for both euphoria and frustration” (Alsop 2002).

I have used this quote from Alsop’s (2002) text to describe previous auto-ethnographic experiences in this subject, but there is something about it that has really resonated with me this semester. I attempted to go into my auto-ethnographic experience with Harajuku Fashion Culture with this quote in mind, and challenge myself to ask ‘why do I feel this way towards certain elements of the culture?’ and ‘how has my upbringing shaped feeling this way?’ Unlike my…

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Autoethnographic Investigation: The Future of Nintendo

Look mum I made a blog...

This is the final conclusion to my independent autoethnographic research on Nintendo. I initially began my blog posts discussing my childhood experiences with Nintendo and then moved the discussion into how Nintendo dominated the 1990s in video gaming. I have discussed the success of the NES, SNES and the Game Boy and its many generations and how this led to Nintendo’s dominance. But now some 20 years on Nintendo is at a crossroads in the video game industry after having lost its position at the head, as now Microsoft and Sony are battling it out for the top spot. Nintendo needs to re-find its feet and become the phenomenon that it once was. The phenomenon that won over the many hearts of gamers from my generation. Which leads me to now. In this final podcast I will be focusing discussion on what Nintendo did wrong in the console market and what it needs to…

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