Wayang Kulit pt 2

Gerald Cicero

wayang-kulit-01010024In my last post about the Wayang Kulit “shadows puppets” plays I give a brief of the basic idea behind my project and my experience with Wayang Kulit “shadow puppets”.

After doing a further research about the Wayang Kulit I come to decision to present my final project in a form of slide presentation as I think is the better way to combine text, video, and images. I will look up the genres of wayang kulit performance, the setting of it Theather, and the relation of Spiritism in wayang kulit plays. As I mention in my last blog spiritism or witchcraft were still common used around the local native people of Indonesia, I decide to look further in relation with my Wayang kulit Ethnography research. Some performances have ritual significance. In these ritual dramas, the dhalang recites magical incantations and presents offerings to invisible spirts. One such performance, designed to…

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