A Bittersweet ‘Cake’

This weeks seminar involved the watching and live tweeting of a Pakistani film called, ‘Cake’ (2018) directed by Asim Abbasi. To summarise this weeks film, Cake is about three separated siblings within a family coming back together due to their fathers deteriorating health. Within the film, we are taken on a journey of carefully explore the relationships between sisters, between parents and children, between friends and lovers. Through events such as the past catching up to them, a death and individual struggles of siblings being intertwined with the family.

At first, I compared the film to last weeks screening ‘Furie’ and found it quite slower, however around halfway through i was enwrapped in the storyline and emotionally invested with the plot and characters. So much so that I felt myself get a little bit teary eyed throughout the sad scenes within the film.

Cake is very much another film with…

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