It’s not all bintang singlets and Kuta beach – My autoethnographic experience through my DA

Lily Carr

Following on from my previous blog post, my research continues towards my digital artefact, encompassing traditional Indonesian cuisine. Through my initial research, I uncovered that the cuisine this country offers spreads across an extremely wide spectrum, flavours and spices differing depending on your geographical location. Because of this, I have decided to focus my DA on the food specifically from the volcanic island of Bali. Balinese food is known for its diversity, typically including rice, loads of spices, fresh vegetables and meat. My autoethnographic experience will be captured through a video of my attempt at creating a traditional Balinese staple, with my research embedded in a blog post, including photos and screenshots as well. As autoethnography suggests, it is the combination of autobiographical research with ethnographical research. In my models of research, I endeavour to bridge the concepts of autoethnography with my experiences of the process.

Through the process of…

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One comment

  1. Hey Lily!

    Again, back at it with great insights into a culture other than your own, and I like how you have really refined your investigation down to Balinese food. It will help you to become literate in a specific area of the culture rather than a more shallow and general understanding of the encompassing. Rather than stick to the status quo you have demonstrated your ability to produce “meaningful, accessible, and evocative research” (Ellis et al, 2011), delving deeper and selecting a topic more specific to your own cultural framework. The relationship you drew between eating Balinese food for the first time with your hands and your experience of eating sandwiches and chicken nuggets is the prime example of this, and I look forward to hearing about how it goes.

    Thanks for sharing,

    Ellis, C., Adams, T.E., and Bochner, A.P. (2011) ‘Autoethnography: An Overview’, Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14.1. Available at:


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