Oz Comic Con, Just Cos.

For the DIGC330 group assignment our group consists of myself (Gabi Lester), Kristy O’Donnell, and Anthony Rewak. We have decided to create a short autoethnographic documentary about our experience at Oz Comic Con in Sydney on the 13th of September.

Andrew Michael Phillips-Momocon 2012-82

Sailor Moon is an incredibly popular anime, especially for cosplay.

We will be investigating the relationship between conventions and cosplay. We’re hoping that we can focus our research on the cosplay of anime characters. We will interview people who are cosplaying and ask them questions about who they are dressed as, why they chose that character, if they have cosplayed before, how important they think conventions are to fandoms and the fandom experience, and how the convention environment has influenced them and their interests.

We will be presenting our findings through a Prezi with parts of our documentary dispersed throughout our research.

Let us know what you think of our idea, and if you have any questions you’d like us to ask the cosplayers at Oz Comic Con! (also if any of you are going too let us know!)


Gabi and co.

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