Commencing live tweeting on Japanese horror

Redmond (2013) discusses fetishism of the exotic and consuming the Other, Miike Takeshi the director of Audition is mentioned as a tester of (Western) decency. I know to some degree I have probably been involved in some exoticticising and consuming of the Other, however, through my research I seek to understand the origin of my interests and through this hopefully gather more of an idea of what it means to consume the Other.

My fandom of Japanese cinema is fairly recent and not very deep, I actually have a  bigger history of researching it academically than as just a naive observer, as it were. This concerns me because I think that it will impact how I view the films, in such a way that I may get caught up in analysing and then whatever I reflect may turn out to not be my genuine thoughts, but instead I would contrived them in a way that would avoid falling into the traps that I had previously read about.

Watching films and discussing it with friends has been for me something that happens after the event, however, so I can get more of perhaps an honest idea of what I think of the films I will be live tweeting as I watch them.

Narrowing my field of research to only Japanese horror was chosen mainly because it specifically has garnered a particularly large Western audience and I want to see if my tweets plus my research will give any indication as to why this is happening.

I have not chosen the films I will be watching yet, however, in the pursuit of the extreme only those that are reviewed as indubitably scary will make the cut.

It should be known that I was not always a thrill seeker of movies, mostly I liked to laugh and have thoughtful reflections, it was the study of film that brought out my desire for horror. Something about knowing more about how something is made I think makes you want to explore all the options it can offer.

My method includes tweeting what I see then reflecting on these tweets and this will then all be incorporated into a storify blog. I am using this platform particularly because it will make it easier to include other media sources that may become relevant while discovering insights.

I have experienced immersion I think in fandom culture once before, this was in music. Redmond (2013) talks of the director Kitano as being ‘a body-without-organs’ (p.11) and of his fluid existence in films by way refering to his celebrity identity that occupies many personas (‘grude comedian, film director, violent actor’) . It would be great if I could find out through my tweet analysis whether my identity, it being more solid than Kitano’s fluid one, was in fact able to be immersed or not. I would like to test this and watch it develop.



Redmond S 2013, The cinema of Takeshi Kitano; flowering blood, Columbia University Press, New York


  1. You’ve said you’re concerned about the fact that due to your prior knowledge from studying Japanese cinema academically will affect the way you view the films, personally I don’t think that will take away from your autoethnographic research, if anything it has the potential to enhance it. For a comparison – in my research I’m discussing the fact that in order to understand the show I’m studying you need to have prior knowledge and experience otherwise the point of the show is missed by the audience.
    Great to see that you’ve chosen to use two platforms, twitter and storify, to support your research!


  2. I think I understand the desire of horror films over other genres. There is generally a lot more happening behind the scenes to make a horror film scary. There has also been a trend within the Western film industry re-creating Japanese horror films so it would be interesting to see just what is so appealing about them. The fact that you will be live tweeting your experiences is brilliant. It is definitely a digital method that is continuing to grow.

    I don’t believe that your prior knowledge will hinder your watching experience. I believe that it will help it!


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