Pokemon, Nintendo and Me.


My name is Courtney Shalavin. I’m a second year BCM student majoring in Digital Media and minoring in International Media. This is my fourth session that involves blogging for assessments, so hopefully I’ve got it down by now. 

My main experiences with Asian culture is with their pop culture. Like many, I watched Pokemon and Sailor Moon on Cheez TV when I was a child, and was caught up in the storm if Nintendo game boys and Yu-Gi-Oh! cards. When I’m having a lazy Sunday afternoon I’ll switch on SBS’ Pop Asia or on a Saturday night at home, I’ll watch SBS2’s If You Are The One. And of course, I’ve watched a few Studio Ghibli movies in my time. Overall, I feel as if I have engaged with only the tip of Asian popular culture, the media that has been the most prominent, easily digestible and accessible in our own media domain. 

In previous semesters I’ve looked into virtual game economies, k-pop and the way women are portrayed in AdviceAnimals and other internet memes. I feel as if any of these areas could easily be used as springboards for independent research in this subject. In particular, I would love to explore the portrayal of women in Asian pop culture perhaps with a focus on women in the music industry or female characters in animes.  

My blog can be found here and my twitter handle is @shalaohla. 

– Courtney S

One comment

  1. There is an underground culture in Asia to surgically alter your appearance to appear more Western. This occurs in Singapore, Japan, the Philippines and there is a major pressure in South Korea, driven by the KPop industry, to have larger eyes acquired from a double eyelid surgery. This fashion trend is discussed in Vice’s Fashion Week on Youtube: http://youtu.be/0wWKjxxM6q8, discussing this issue with female and male Kpop stars in Korea, and how their portrayal affects Korean fans. The portrayal of Asian pop stars to a Western demographic versus an Asian demographic is a very interesting topic. You could examine the fan culture surrounding popular Asian music online. Exploring how this, and Anime stereotypes, influence Asian citizens creating make-up tutorials on Youtube.


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